Chewing the fat. Chit-chat. Patter. Confab. Jibber-jabber. Babble. Gossip. Gabble. Rabbiting on (and on). Or just the sort of SEO friendly content that Google loves. Call it what you want. We call it the blog.
Less vs More
In hospitality branding, design plays a crucial role in shaping guest experiences. Whether you’re launching a new restaurant, refreshing your hotel’s identity, or designing a vibrant bar space, choosing between minimalism and maximalism can define how your brand is perceived.
The Superpowers of storytelling.
From the earliest days of our species to the present, the ability to craft and share stories defines us. As Yuval Noah Harari, author of the bestselling 'Sapiens,' likes to put it, "Storytelling is our superpower."
Stick your neck out
Your brand deserves more than mere visibility; it deserves recognition, admiration, and trust. Why settle for ordinary when you can unleash your brand's uniqueness?
Curating Culture
In the ever-evolving world of marketing, the concept of brand culture has emerged as a powerful tool for companies looking to connect with their customers on a deeper level. While many brands have ventured into this territory, one that has excelled in creating a truly immersive brand culture is Nike. Culture isn't just part of their brand; it is their brand.
Why AI will never replace branding agencies.
AI has transformed the way businesses interact with their audiences and develop their brand strategies. However, despite the incredible strides AI has made, it will never replace the benefits of dealing with creative people.
When and How to Chart a Rebranding Course.
In the ever-shifting waters of business, even the most formidable brands occasionally find themselves at a crossroads, pondering a critical decision: to rebrand or not to rebrand? This juncture represents a challenging but essential moment in the voyage of brand stewardship…
Investing in your hospitality brand during a downturn.
Everyone understands the value a strong brand adds to a hospitality business. But during difficult financial times (like now), investment in brand is often the first thing to face the chop. Neglecting your brand during the darker days basically erodes its value i.e all the money you’ve already poured into it.
The Enduring Charm of Brand Mascots.
Brand mascots have been an integral part of advertising and packaging design for decades, leaving an indelible mark on consumers’ hearts and minds. Iconic characters like Tony the Tiger, the Jolly Green Giant, and Captain Birdseye have not only contributed to increased sales but have also played a crucial role in establishing brand identities and standing out in a crowded marketplace.
Evolving Drinks Branding and Packaging for Modern Consumers
In an ever-evolving world of consumer preferences and trends, drinks brands find themselves at a crucial crossroads. To stay relevant and captivating, they must adapt their packaging and branding strategies to meet the expectations of today’s consumers. Here are five key considerations for crafting the future of your drinks brand.
Hospitality & Typography
Like any sector, hospitality is full of all types of brands trying to communicate with all types of guests in all types of ways. You might be surprised how much type itself is an often overlooked way to do just that. Like many apparently simple things, it’s not always easy to get right, so here’s a look at a few approaches that might work for your hospitality brand and why
Hotel colour theory
When you imagine the colour red, what comes to mind? A sportsperson being shown a card for doing something wrong? Perhaps it makes you think about love. Or maybe you imagine a Ferrari speeding off into the distance. Everyone will be different but no matter what you thought, you thought something. It’s likely that you attached an emotion to the colour too.
Show us your assets
The elements that make up a brand identity can all be considered “visual assets”. While the logo is often thought to be the most important, there’s another significant element that’s easily identifiable, more flexible and can be even more impactful when properly implemented. We call it the “Key Asset”.
Building the foundations of a successful hospitality brand
Historically it’s been the job of a graphic designer to take a brief and quite quickly start designing things like logos. A strangely hurried process perfectly encapsulated by that word ‘brief’. Today that’s not necessarily the case. Instead of just receiving briefs, we often help shape them, long before the design phase has begun.
What is branding and why should you care?
Over a century ago, cattle ranchers used branding irons to show which animals were theirs. As the cattle moved across the plains to slaughter houses, it was easy to tell which ranches they were from thanks to the unique symbols burnt into their hides.
Best of 2021 – Grand Hotel Advertising
An iconic venue in the heart of Birmingham, The Grand Hotel had fallen into ruin, lying dark for almost 20 years. During the course of a multi-million pound refurbishment by Starwood Capital, we were appointed to create a brand that was fit for a grand dame returning to centre stage.
Best of 2021 – Lyle, Washington
Owned by Lore Group, Lyle is the sister hotel to Riggs Washington D.C., the group’s other U.S. property, which is added to their wider portfolio in Amsterdam (Pulitzer) and London (Sea Containters and the soon to launch One Hundred Shoreditch).